“La Ronde des Manches à Air” in collaboration with Delta Box

« La Ronde des Manches à air » work in situ Daniel Buren 2015/2017

Esplanade of “la Défense”

In the scope of a Project with the artist Daniel BUREN, Delta Box participates in magnifying the wind on the esplanade of “la Défense”.

Almost 2 years have been necessary to manage this ambitious project. Our technical department and our seamstresses worked closely together to achieve its realization.

For this artistic project, we provided illuminated wind vanes along with the 16 multicolor windsocks.

Night Visual

Artistic Project Daniel BUREN

Travail in situ 2015/2017

″La Ronde des Manches à Air″ - Daniel BUREN

As a French manufacturer, we adapt to your wildest projects by making tailor-made products.